Barbara Guenette, Chairwoman
Beka Zerbst, Vice-Chairwoman
Val Higgins, Chairwoman
Debbie Schnell, Vice-Chairwoman
Jen Boerger, Chairwoman
Lauri Davis, Vice-Chairwoman
Lauri Davis, Chairwoman
Trish Murphy, Vice Chairwoman
Sara Frankenstein, Chairwoman
Sandy Rhoden, Chairman
Beka Zerbst, Vice-Chairwoman
Lori Hausmann
Sara Frankenstein, Parliamentarian
Beka Zerbst, Deputy Parliamentarian
Danette Voshage
Gail Brock
Maryann Bierman, Chairwoman
The Awards Committee assists clubs with their applications for both the NFRW and SDFRW Achievement Awards. Leading up to the national convention, the Committee will notify club officers of submission deadlines and will be available to answer questions about NFRW’s awards forms. Leading up to the state conventi
Maryann Bierman, Chairwoman
The Awards Committee assists clubs with their applications for both the NFRW and SDFRW Achievement Awards. Leading up to the national convention, the Committee will notify club officers of submission deadlines and will be available to answer questions about NFRW’s awards forms. Leading up to the state convention, the Committee will provide application forms with deadlines to the clubs; the Committee will then accept all submissions, determine the winners, and present the awards.
Kaelyn Callies, Co-Chairwoman
Patricia Tutsch, Co-Chairwoman
The Americanism Committee seeks to promote patriotism. Projects vary from year to year, but they are always geared toward nurturing love for our country. Perhaps this committee will organize patriotic SDFRW parade floats? Perhaps this committee will work to help more cities and towns line their streets with American flags?
Bobbi Andera, Chairwoman
The Armed Forces Committee is dedicated to those who sacrifice so much for our country. Though projects vary from year to year, they are all designed to support Veterans, Active Duty, and their families. Freedom most certainly is NOT free.
MaryLee Plut, Chairwoman
Debbie Schnell, Vice-Chairwoman
Caring for America is our community service committee. Projects vary from year to year, but past projects have included everything from procuring donations for families who lost everything in a fire to taking Easter baskets to nursing homes to collecting donations for veterans to helping the environment through Earth Day projects!
Claire Rydberg, Chairwoman
Paula Van Sharrel, Vice Chairwoman
This committee is in charge of the First Ladies & Gentlemen exhibit at the Capitol. They clean the exhibit once a year, enlisting the help of the Constitutional Candidates. Whenever a new Governor is sworn in, this committee is in charge of creating the exhibit for the new F
Claire Rydberg, Chairwoman
Paula Van Sharrel, Vice Chairwoman
This committee is in charge of the First Ladies & Gentlemen exhibit at the Capitol. They clean the exhibit once a year, enlisting the help of the Constitutional Candidates. Whenever a new Governor is sworn in, this committee is in charge of creating the exhibit for the new First Spouse, including a replica in miniature of the inauguration outfit.
Barabara Johnson, Chairwoman
Sandy Rhoden, Vice-Chairwoman
HEART: Helping Everyone Appreciate Real Teamwork
HEART is a new committee for 2023 and will focus on lifting the spirits of our own members. All too often, we direct our focus outward when sometimes we should look inward. We want to ensure our members know that they're part of a f
Barabara Johnson, Chairwoman
Sandy Rhoden, Vice-Chairwoman
HEART: Helping Everyone Appreciate Real Teamwork
HEART is a new committee for 2023 and will focus on lifting the spirits of our own members. All too often, we direct our focus outward when sometimes we should look inward. We want to ensure our members know that they're part of a family that cares about them. That's the HEART Committee’s mission. It’s up to them to decide how best to accomplish that goal – perhaps they’ll send a note to someone who's sick or who's lost a relative. Perhaps they’ll send a card to congratulate someone on a new job or a new grandbaby or to give words of encouragement to someone who could use them. Maybe they could do something to help welcome convention attendees or to thank people who have gone above and beyond, working hard for SDFRW. It’s up to the committee to decide what exactly to do, but no matter what, thanks to the HEART Committee, our members will feel the love of our SDFRW family.
Danette Voshage, Chairwoman
The Honorarium fund is a wonderful way in which members and their friends and family can honor someone special to them. Perhaps the person has passed away and the donation is made in her memory. Perhaps a donation is made in honor of someone’s birthday or anniversary. Either way, the money goes into an honor
Danette Voshage, Chairwoman
The Honorarium fund is a wonderful way in which members and their friends and family can honor someone special to them. Perhaps the person has passed away and the donation is made in her memory. Perhaps a donation is made in honor of someone’s birthday or anniversary. Either way, the money goes into an honorarium fund. This year, we want to use that fund to help our organization through membership scholarships: There are some people for whom membership dues are cost-prohibitive. Maybe there’s a recent grad just trying to get by or a mom who is struggling to buy diapers. Maybe there’s a farmer who had a rough harvest or a wife whose husband got laid off. There are lots of reasons why someone could have trouble paying membership dues. No matter the reason, though, we don’t want money to stand in the way of someone’s joining SDFRW. This year, we’re creating a Honorarium Committee that will be tasked with determining the criteria for the Honorarium Scholarships, creating a form that members can use to request dues assistance, and then awarding the scholarships to those who meet the criteria.
Beka Zerbst, Chairwoman
The Hostess Committee is new for 2023 – they’ll be in charge of planning logistics for our SDFRW quarterly meetings! They’ll handle everything from the venue to the menu, from reservations to registration, and they’ll handle the A/V and internet needed for each meeting.
Kristie Fiegen, Chairwoman
Kirsten Bradsky, Vice-Chairwoman
The Leadership Development Committee is focused on recruiting and training our leaders of tomorrow: they’ll help recruit candidates and teach them the basics of running a campaign. They’ll train volunteers so that they’re confident jumping in and helping candidates. With help fro
Kristie Fiegen, Chairwoman
Kirsten Bradsky, Vice-Chairwoman
The Leadership Development Committee is focused on recruiting and training our leaders of tomorrow: they’ll help recruit candidates and teach them the basics of running a campaign. They’ll train volunteers so that they’re confident jumping in and helping candidates. With help from our Leadership Development Committee, SDFRW will be the favorite go-to for campaigns seeking highly effective volunteers!
Scyller Borglum, Chairwoman
Mamie Eisenhower is NFRW’s oldest program and is dedicated to promoting literature with a conservative message. This year, we have an exciting new project to help kids learn life lessons that are central to Republican values. But we don’t have to stop there!
Jen Boerger, Chairwoman
Help us share exciting updates from clubs around the state! Every month, the newsletter team pulls together club reports, photos, announcements, letters, historical flashbacks, candidate advertisements, and more to create attractive and interesting updates on the South Dakota Federation! This is a key way to stay connected even though we live separate lives.
Lorie Hausmann, Chaplin
The Prayer Committee is new for 2023. This committee will be filled with prayer warriors and chaired by our SDFRW Chaplain. It has a simple but vital mission: help bring the Lord’s blessings and guiding hand to our country, our state, and our communities. It can start with something as simple as a group text in
Lorie Hausmann, Chaplin
The Prayer Committee is new for 2023. This committee will be filled with prayer warriors and chaired by our SDFRW Chaplain. It has a simple but vital mission: help bring the Lord’s blessings and guiding hand to our country, our state, and our communities. It can start with something as simple as a group text in which committee members share prayers as the Spirit moves them. But it can evolve into all sorts of things: taking prayer requests from members, hosting prayer warrior zoom calls, coordinating groups of prayer warriors to pray over courthouses, schools, and polling places.
Connie Wagner, Chairwoman
Rushmore Regents was established by SDFRW as an avenue for Republican Women to play a greater role in our State's political system. In particular, Rushmore Regents provide funding to support women candidates running for state offices. As we seek to offer meaningful support to our candidates, the Rushmore Regents
Connie Wagner, Chairwoman
Rushmore Regents was established by SDFRW as an avenue for Republican Women to play a greater role in our State's political system. In particular, Rushmore Regents provide funding to support women candidates running for state offices. As we seek to offer meaningful support to our candidates, the Rushmore Regents Committee encourages as many ladies as possible to become members of Rushmore Regents, arranging special gifts and exclusive get-togethers for the ladies who join.
Laci Sosa, Chairwoman
Like it or not, social media plays an important role in how members, potential new members, and the general public perceive SDFRW. Effective social media posts can help raise awareness of our many initiatives, attract people to our events, draw in new members, and even help us establish new clubs. While our focus
Laci Sosa, Chairwoman
Like it or not, social media plays an important role in how members, potential new members, and the general public perceive SDFRW. Effective social media posts can help raise awareness of our many initiatives, attract people to our events, draw in new members, and even help us establish new clubs. While our focus has been limited to Facebook in the past, we’d love to expand to other platforms if the Social Networking Committee chooses to! If you enjoy marketing or graphics design, this is a great committee for you! And if you have experience running ads on Facebook or other social media platforms, let us know! Please note: We are also looking for people who simply would be willing to like, comment, and/or share the posts we put up. You’d be amazed at the impact you can have with a commitment of just 2 minutes per day!
Jen Boerger, Chairwoman
The SDFRW website continues to be a terrific way for non-members to learn about us and for members to stay informed about news and upcoming events.
Penny Sattgast, Chairwoman
Juanita Schmuck, Vice-Chairwoman
The Youth Advocacy committee will focus on educating and protecting the youth. They’ll continue the Truth for the Youth panels and will create a School Board Watch Program – a network of parents and educators that will stand against the liberal agenda being thrust upon our kids
Penny Sattgast, Chairwoman
Juanita Schmuck, Vice-Chairwoman
The Youth Advocacy committee will focus on educating and protecting the youth. They’ll continue the Truth for the Youth panels and will create a School Board Watch Program – a network of parents and educators that will stand against the liberal agenda being thrust upon our kids in the classroom. They’ll recruit volunteers to regularly observe school board meetings, and they’ll develop a system allowing families to report instances of Leftist propaganda being taught in our schools. Whenever liberals attempt to indoctrinate our children, the Youth Advocacy Committee will spring into action!
Megan Assman-Cool, Chairwoman
Justine Olawsky, Vice-Chairwoman
This committee is focused on turning that around. We want to seek out young moms and recent grads, making it fun, easy, and beneficial for them to join! The Youth Liaison Committee will focus on attracting these women to the SDFRW family. Perhaps they’ll meet up for playda
Megan Assman-Cool, Chairwoman
Justine Olawsky, Vice-Chairwoman
This committee is focused on turning that around. We want to seek out young moms and recent grads, making it fun, easy, and beneficial for them to join! The Youth Liaison Committee will focus on attracting these women to the SDFRW family. Perhaps they’ll meet up for playdates at the Watiki Waterpark, Thunderroad, and other family-friendly places. Maybe they’ll work on providing child care options for moms who want to come to SDFRW meetings and events. Maybe they’ll arrange girls nights’ out where they can enjoy each other’s company while building the bonds that will prove critical for SDFRW’s success in the future. Maybe they’ll collaborate with other SDFRW committees, creating child-friendly initiatives that help kids grow up as active members of the Republican community. If you know a Republican Woman who hasn’t joined SDFRW because of her kids, please introduce her to the Youth Liaison Committee!
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